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Publications scientifiques & collaborations


  • Lemonnier, C., Schull, Q., Stier, A., Boonstra, R., Delehanty, B., Lefol, E., Durand, L., Pardonnet, S., Robin, J.-P., Criscuolo, F., Bize, P., & Viblanc, V. A. (2024). Social, not genetic, programming of development and stress physiology of a colonial seabird. Proceedings. Biological Sciences, 291(2028), 20240853.


  • Cillard, A., Rodriguez, T.F., Robin, J.-P., Bize, P., Stier, A. & Viblanc, V.A. (2023). Sharing your snack: unusual observation of a chick–chick feeding occurrence in colonial king penguin (Aptenodytes patagonicus). Behaviour, 160, 489–498.


  • Hammer TL, Bize P, Saraux C, Gineste B, Robin JP, Groscolas R, Viblanc VA. In press. Repeatability of alert and flight initiation distance in king penguins: effects of colony, approach speed and weather. Ethology


  • Kriesell H. J., Aubin T., Planas-Bielsa V., Schull Q., Bonadonna F., Cornec C., Le Maho Y., Troudet L., Le Bohec C. (2021). How king penguins advertise their sexual maturity. Anim. Behav. 177: 253-267.


  • Viblanc V. A., Schull Q., Stier A., Durand L., Lefol E., Robin J.P., Zahn S., Bize P. et F. Criscuolo. In press. Foster rather than biological parental telomere length predicts offspring survival and telomere length in king penguins. Mol. Ecol.

  • Kriesell H. J., Le Bohec C., A Cerwenka. F., Hertel M., Robin J.-P., Ruthensteiner B., Gahr M., Aubin T. et D. N. During (2020). Vocal tract anatomy of king penguins: Morphological traits of two-voiced sound production. Frontiers in Zoology: 17:5


  • Stier A., Schull Q., Bize P., Lefol E., Haussmann M., Roussel D., Robin J.P., Viblanc V.A. (2019). Oxidative stress and mitochondrial responses to stress exposure suggest that king penguins are naturally equipped to resist stress. Sci. Rep. doi:


  • Lemaire B., Viblanc V. A. et C. Jozet-Alves (2019).  Sex-specific lateralization during aggressive interactions in breeding king penguins. Ethology 125: 439-449. doi:



  • H. J. Kriesell, T. Aubin, V. Planas‐Bielsa, M. Benoiste, F. Bonadonna, H. Gachot‐Neveu, Y. Le Maho, Q. Schull, B. Vallas, S. Zahn, C. Le Bohec (2018). Sex identification in King Penguins Aptenodytes patagonicus through morphological and acoustic cues. Ibis


  • Weimerskirch H., Prudor A. & Schull Q. (2018). Flights of drones over sub-Antarctic seabirds show species- and status-specific behavioural and physiological responses. Polar Biol. 41: 259. doi:


  • Viblanc V. A., Schull Q., Cornioley T.,Stier A., J. J Ménard, Groscolas R et J. P. Robin (2018). An integrative appraisal of the hormonal and metabolic changes induced by acute stress using king penguins as a model. Gen. Comp. Endocr. 269:1-10.


  • Schull Q.; Viblanc V. A.; Dobson F. S.; Robin, J.P.; Zahn S.; Cristofari R.; Bize, P. et F. Criscuolo (2018). Assortative pairing by telomere length in king penguins and relationships with breeding success. Can. J. Zool. 96: 639-647.

  • Schull Q.; Robin, J.P.; Dobson F. S.; Saadaoui H.; Viblanc V. A. et P. Bize (2018). Experimental stress during moult suggests the evolution of condition-dependent and condition-independent ornaments in the king penguin. Ecol. Evol. 8: 1084-1095.


  • Stier A., Romestaing, C., Schull Q., Lefol E., Robin J. P., Roussel D. et P. Bize (2017). How to measure mitochondrial function in birds using red blood cells: a case study in the king penguin and perspectives in ecology and evolution. Methods Ecol Evol, 8: 1172–1182. doi:10.1111/2041-210X.12724.​


  • Viblanc V. A., Gineste B., Robin J. P et R. Groscolas (2016) Breeding status affects the hormonal and metabolic response to acute stress in a long-lived seabird, the king penguin, Gen. Comp. Endocr. 236: 139-145. [].

  • Viblanc V. A., Dobson F. S., Stier A., Schull Q., Saraux C., Gineste B., Pardonnet S., Kauffmann M., Robin J. P. et P. Bize (2016). Mutually honest? Physiological ‘Qualities’ signalled by colour ornaments in monomorphic king penguins.  Biol.  J. Linn. Soc. 118: 200-2014. doi: 10.1111/bij.12729

  • Schull Q., Viblanc V. A., Stier A., Saadaoui H., Lefol E., Criscuolo F., Bize P. et J. P. Robin (2016) The oxidative debt of fasting: evidence for short to medium-term costs of advanced fasting in adult king penguins, J. Exp. Biol. 219: 3284-3293. doi/10.1242/jeb.145250.

  • Schull Q., Dobson F. S., Stier A., Robin J. P., Bize P. et V. A. Viblanc (2016) Beak color dynamically signals changes in fasting status and parasite loads in king penguins Behav. Ecol. 27: 1684-1693. doi:10.1093/beheco/arw091 


  • Le Vaillant M, Viblanc VA, Saraux C, Le Bohec C, Le Maho Y, Kato A, Criscuolo F & Ropert-Coudert Y. 2015. Telomere length reflects individual quality in free-living adult king penguins. Polar Biology, 38: 2059-2067


  • Reichert S., Rojas E. R., Zahn S., Robin J. P., Criscuolo F. et  S. Massemin (2015). Maternal telomere length inheritance in the king penguin. Heredity. 114: 10-16. doi:10.1038/hdy.2014.60.


  • V. A. Viblanc, A. D. Smith, B. Gineste, M. Kauffmann & R. Groscolas (2015) Modulation of heart rate response to acute stressors throughout the breeding season in the king penguin, Aptenodytes patagonicus. J. Exp. Biol. 218 : 1686-1692.



  • Viblanc VA, Saraux C, Malosse N, Groscolas R. (2014) Energetic adjustments in freely breeding-fasting king penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus): does colony density matter? Funct Ecol, 28(3), 621-631

  • Viblanc V. A, Gineste B., Stier A., J. P. Robin et R. Groscolas (2014). Stress hormones in relation to breeding status and territory location in colonial king penguin: a role for social density?. Oecologia. 175: 763-772.

  • Stier A., Viblanc V. A., Massemin S., Handrich Y., Zahn S., Rojas E., Saraux C., Le Vaillant M., Prudhomme O., Grosbellet E.,  Robin J. P., Bize P. et F. Criscuolo (2014). Starting with a handicap: phenotypic differences between early and late born king penguin chicks and heir survival correlates. Funct Ecol. 28: 601-611.

  • Le Maho Y, Whittington JD, Hanuise N, Pereira L, Boureau M, Brucker M, Chatelain N, Courtecuisse J, Crenner F, Friess B, Grosbellet E, Kernaléguen L, Olivier F, Saraux C, Vetter N, Viblanc VA, Thierry B, Tremblay P, Groscolas R & Le Bohec C. 2014. Rovers minimize human disturbance in research on wild animals. Nature Methods 11: 1242-1244

  • Bordier C, Saraux C, Viblanc VA, Gachot-Neveu H, Le Maho Y & Le Bohec C. 2014. Inter-annual variability of fledging sex ratio in king penguins. PLoS one 9(12): e114052


  • Dewar, Meagan L., Arnould, John P. Y., Dann, Peter*, Trathan, Phil*, Groscolas, Rene* and Smith, Stuart (2013) Interspecific variations in the gastrointestinal microbiota in penguins. Microbiology Open, 2(1), 195-204)



  • Viblanc VA, Valette V, Kauffmann M, Malosse N, Groscolas R. (2012). Coping with social stress: heart rate responses to agonistic interaction in king penguins. Behav. Ecol., 23 (6), 1178 -1185 .

  • Viblanc VA, Smith AD, Gineste B, Groscolas R. 2012. Coping with continuous human disturbance in the wild: insights from penguin heart rate response to various stressors. BMC Ecology 12:10.

  • Viblanc V., Bize P., Criscuolo F., Le Vaillant M., Saraux C., Pardonnet S., Gineste B., Kauffmann M., Prud’homme O., Handrich Y., Massemin S., Groscolas R. et J. P. Robin (2012). Body girth as an alternative to body mass for establishing condition indices in field studies: a validation in the king penguin. Physiol. Biochem. Zool. 85: 533-542.

  • Verrier D., Atkinson S., Guinet C., Groscolas R. & Arnould J.P.Y. (2012). Hormonal responses to extreme fasting in subantarctic fur seal (Arctocephalus tropicalis) pups. Am. J. Physiol. Regul. Integr. Comp. Physiol. 302: R929–R940


  • Viera VM, Viblanc VA, Filippi-Codaccioni O, Côté S, Groscolas R. 2011. Active territory defence at a low energy cost in a colonial seabird. Animal Behaviour 82: 69-76.

  • Viblanc VA, Mathien A, Saraux C, Viera V, Groscolas R. 2011. It costs to be clean and fit: energetics of comfort behaviour in breeding-fasting penguins. PLoS ONE 6(7): e21110.

  • Verrier D., Guinet C., Authier M., Tremblay Y., Shaffer S., Costa D.P., Groscolas R. & Arnould J.P.Y. (2011). The ontogeny of diving abilities in subantarctic fur seal pups: developmental trade-off in response to extreme fasting ? Funct. Ecol. 25: 818-828.

  • Verrier D., Groscolas R., Guinet C. & Arnould J.P.Y. (2011) Development of fasting abilities in subantarctic fur seal pups : balancing the demands of growth under extreme nutritional restrictions, Funct. Ecol., 25, 704-717.)

  • Saraux C., Viblanc V.A., Hanuise N., Le Maho Y. & Le Bohec C. (2011). Effects of individual pre-fledging traits and environmental conditions on return patterns in juvenile king penguins. PLoS ONE 6(6): e20407

  • Saraux C., Le Bohec C., Durant J.M., Viblanc V.A., Gauthier-Clerc M., Beaune D., Park D.H., Yoccoz G.N., Stenseth N.C. & Le Maho Y. (2011). Reliability of flipper-banded penguins as indicators of climate change. Nature 469: 203-206

  • Le Maho Y., Saraux C., Durant J.M., Viblanc V.A., Gauthier-Clerc M., Yoccoz G.N., Stenseth N.C. & Le Bohec C. (2011). An ethical issue in biodiversity science: the monitoring of penguins with flipper bands. C. R. Biol.  334: 378-384:

  • Fonteneau F., Geiger S., Marion L., Le Maho Y., Robin J. P. et J. M. Kinsella (2011). Gastrointestinal helminths of king penguins in Crozet Archipelago. Polar Biol. 34: 1249-1252.

  • Erbrech A., Robin J. P., Guérin N., Groscolas R., Gilbert C. et J. M. Martrette (2011). Myosin heavy chains expression in the muscles of the pectoral and pelvic girdles during the early phase of growth in the king penguin chick. J. Exp. Biol. 214: 1829-1835.

  • Eichhorn G, Groscolas R, Le Glaunec G, Parisel C, Arnold L, Medina P. & Handrich Y (2011) Heterothermy in growing king penguins. Nature Communications, 2, 435.


  • Groscolas, R., Vierra, V., Guerin, N., Handrich, Y., Coté, S. 2010. Heart rate as a predictor of energy expenditure in undisturbed fasting and incubating penguins. J. Exp. Biol.  213 : 153-160.

  • Corbel, H., Geiger, S., Groscolas, R. 2010. preparing to fledge: the adrenocortical and metabolic response to stress in king penguin chicks. Funct. Ecol. 24 :82-92.


  • Verrier, D., Groscolas, R., Guinet, C., Arnould, J. 2009. Physiological response to extreme fasting in subantarctic fur seal (Arctocephalus tropicalis) pups: metabolic rates, energy reserve utilization, and water fluxes. Am. J. Physiol. Regul. Integr.Comp. Physiol. 297 : R1582-R1592.

  • Corbel, H., Morlon, F.,Geiger, S., Groscolas, R. 2009. State-dependent decisions during the fledging process of king penguin chicks. Anim. Behav. 78 : 829-838.


  • Corbel, H., Morlon, F., Groscolas, R. 2008. Is fledging in king penguin chicks related to changes in the metabolic or endocrine status? Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 155: 8904-813.

  • Groscolas, R., Lacroix, A., Robin, J.-P. 2008. Spontaneous egg or chick abandonment in energy-depleted king penguins: a role for corticosterone and prolactin?  Horm. Behav. 53: 51-60.

  • Viera, V., Nolan, P.M., Côté, S., Jouventin, P., Groscolas, R. 2008. Is territory defence related to plumage ornaments in the king penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus. Ethology. 114: 146-153.


  • Bourgeon, S., Viera, V., Raclot, T., Groscolas, R. 2007. Hormone and immunoglobullin levels in king penguins during molting and breeding fasts. Ecosciences 14 (4): 519-528.


  • Viera, V., Le Bohec, C., Côté, S., Groscolas, R. 2006. Massive breeding failure following a tsunami in a colonial seabird. Polar Biol. 29: 713-716.


  • Cherel, Y., Hobson, K., Bailleul F. et Groscolas R. 2005. Nutrition, physiology and stable isotopes : new information from fasting and molting penguins. Ecology. 86, 2881-2888.


  • De Margerie, E., Robin, J-P., Verrier, D., Cubo, J., Groscolas, R. et J. Castanet. (2004). Assessing a relationship between bone microstructure and growth rate: a fluorescent labelling study in the king penguin chick (Aptenodytes patagonicus). J. Exp. Biol. 207: 869-879.


  • Groscolas, R., Fréchard, F., Decrock, F. et Speake, B.K. (2003). The metabolic fate of yolk fatty acids in the developing king penguin embryo. Am. J. Physiol. R. 285: R850-R861.

  • Speake, B.K., Decrock, F., Groscolas, R., Surai, P.F. et Woods, N. (2003). Establishment of the brain's fatty acid profile during embryonic development of the king penguin (Aptenodytes patagonicus): effects of a yolk which is naturally rich in n-3 polyunsaturates. Physiol. Biochem. Zool. 76: 187-195.

  • Bernard, S.F., Orvoine, J. et Groscolas, R. (2003). Glucose regulates lipid metabolism in fasting king penguins. Am. J. Physiol. R. 285: R313-R320.

  • Thil, M.-A., Speake, B.K. et Groscolas, R. (2003). Changes in tissue fatty acid composition during the first month of growth of the king penguin chick. J. Comp. Physiol. B 173: 199-206.

  • Bernard, S.F., Thil, M.-A. et Groscolas, R. (2003). Lipolytic and metabolic response to glucagon in fasting king penguins: phase II vs phase III. Am. J. Physiol. 284: R444-R454.


  • Bernard, S.F., E. Mioskowski et Groscolas, R. (2002). Blockade of fatty acid oxidation mimics the phase II-phase III transition in fasting king penguins. Am. J. Physiol. 283: R144-R152.

  • Thil, M.-A. et Groscolas, R. (2002). Field immobilization of king penguins with tiletamine-zolazepam. J. Field Ornithol. 73: 308-317.

  • Bernard, S.F., Fayolle, C., Robin, J.-P. et Groscolas, R. (2002). Glycerol and NEFA kinetics in long-term fasting king penguins: phase II vs phase III. J. Exp. Biol. 205: 2745-2754.

  • Decrock, F., Groscolas, R. et Speake, B. (2002). FA composition of heart and skeletal muscle during embryonic development of the king penguin. Lipids 37: 407-415.


  • Surai, P., Speake, B., Decrock, F., and R. Groscolas (2001). Transfer of vitamins E and A from yolk to embryo during development of the king penguin (Aptenodytes patagonicus). Physiol. Biochem. Zool. 74: 928-936.

  • Robin, J.-P., Fayolle, C., Decrock, F., Thil, M.-A., Côté, S., Bernard, S., and R. Groscolas (2001). Restoration of body mass in king penguins after egg abandonment at a critical energy depletion stage: early vs late breeders. J. Avian Biol. 32: 303-310.

  • Georges, J.-Y., Groscolas, R., Guinet, C., and J.-P. Robin (2001). Milking strategy in subantarctic fur seal Arctocephalus tropicalis breeding on Amsterdam Island: evidence from changes in milk composition. Physiol. Biochem. Zool. 74:548-559. 

  • Dewasmes, G., Côté, S., Le Maho, Y., Groscolas, R., Robin, J.-P., Vardon, J.-P., and J.-P. Libert (2001) Effects of wheater activity and sleep in brooding king penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus). Polar Biol. 24: 508-511.

  • Groscolas, R., and J.-P. Robin (2001). Long-term fasting and re-feeding in penguins. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. A 128: 645-655.

  • Decrock, F. Groscolas, R., McCartney, R., and B. Speake (2001). Transfer of n-3 and n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids from yolk to embryo during development of the king penguin. Am. J. Physiol. 280: R843-R853.


  • Groscolas, R., Decrock, F., Thil, M.-A., Fayolle, C., Boissery, C., and J.-P. Robin (2000). Refeeding signal in fasting-incubating king penguins: changes in behavior and egg temperature. Am. J. Physiol. 279: R2104-R2112.

  • Fayolle, C., Leray, C., Ohlmann, P., Gutbier, G., Cazenave, J.-P., Gachet, C., and R. Groscolas (2000). Lipid composition of blood platelets and erythrocytes of southern elephant seal (Mirounga leonina) and antarctic fur seal (Arctocephalus gazella). Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B 126: 39-47. 

  • Fayolle, C., Leray, C., Ohlmann, P., Gutbier, G., Cazenave, J.-P., Gachet, C., and R. Groscolas (2000). Lipid composition of erythocytes and thrombocytes of a subantarctic seabird, the king penguin. Lipids 35: 453-459.


  • Speake, B., Decrock, F., Suray, P., and R. Groscolas (1999). Fatty acid composition of the adipose tissue and yolk lipids of a birds with a marine-based diet, the emperor penguin (Aptenodytes forsteri). Lipids 34: 283-290.



  • Ancel, A., Petter, L., and R. Groscolas (1998). Changes in egg and body temperature indicate triggering of egg desertion at a body mass threshold in fasting incubating blue petrels (Halobaena caerulea). J. Comp. Physiol. B 168: 533-539.

  • Robin, J.-P., Boucontet, L., Chillet, P., and R. Groscolas (1998). Behavioral changes in fasting emperor penguins: evidence for a "refeeding signal" linked to a metabolic shift. Am. J. Physiol. 274: R746-R753.

  • Raclot, T., Groscolas, R., and Y. Cherel (1998). Fatty acid evidence for the importance of lanternfishes in the diet of king penguins, Aptenodytes patagonicus. Marine Biol. 132: 523-533.



  • Rea, L., Groscolas, R., Mioskowski, E., and M. Castellini (1997). Changes in plasma fatty acids indicate change in nutritionalstatus in developing weddell seal pups. Polar Biology 18: 351-357.



  • Groscolas, R., and Y. Cherel (1992). How to molt while fasting in the cold: the metabolic and hormonal adaptations of emperor and king penguins. Ornis Scand. 23: 328-334.



  • Groscolas, R., L. Schreiber, and F. Morin (1991). The use of tritiated water to determine protein and lipid utilization in fasting birds: a validation study in incubating great-winged petrels Pterodroma macroptera. Physiol. Zool. 64: 1217-1233. 



  • Groscolas, R. (1990) Metabolic adaptations to fasting in emperor and king penguins. In: Penguin Biology, L.S. Davis and J. Darby eds., Academic Press, New York, pp.269-296.



  • Groscolas, R., and J. Leloup (1989). The effect of severe starvation and captivity stress on plasma thyroxine and triiodothyronine concentrations in an antarctic bird (emperor penguin). Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 73: 108-117.



  • Groscolas, R. (1988). The use of body mass loss to estimate metabolic rate in fasting sea birds: a critical examination based on emperor penguins. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 90A: 361-366.


  • Robin, J-P., M. Frain, C. Sardet, R. Groscolas, and Y. Le Maho (1988). Protein and lipid utilization during long-term fasting in emperor penguins. Am. J. Physiol. 254: R61-R66.



  • Groscolas, R., and J. Leloup (1986). The endocrine control of reproduction and molt in male and female emperor (Aptenodytes forsteri) and adelie (Pygoscelis adeliae) penguins. II. Annual changes in plasma levels of thyroxine and triiodothyronine. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 63: 264-274.


  • Groscolas, R., M. Jallageas, A. Goldsmith, and I. Assenmacher (1986). The endocrine control of reproduction and molt in male and female emperor (Aptenodytes forsteri) and adelie (Pygoscelis adeliae) penguins. I. Annual changes in plasma levels of gonadal steroids and LH. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 62: 43-53.


  • Groscolas, R. (1986). Changes in body mass, body temperature and plasma fuel levels during the natural breeding fast in male and female emperor penguins Aptenodytes forsteri. J. Comp. Physiol. 156: 521-527.  



  • Vaucoulon, P., R. Groscolas, and H. Barre (1985). Photoperiodic and food control of moult in the juvenile king penguin (Aptenodytes patagonicus). Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 81A: 347-351. 



  • Groscolas, R. (1982). Changes in plasma lipids during breeding, molting, and starvation in male and female emperor penguins (Aptenodytes forsteri). Physiol. Zool. 55: 45-55.


  • Groscolas, R., and A. Rodriguez (1982). Glucose and lactate kinetics and interrelations in an antarctic bird (emperor penguin). Am. J. Physiol. 242: R458-464.



  • Groscolas, R., and A. Rodriguez (1981). Glucose metabolism in fed and fasted emperor penguins (Aptenodytes forsteri). Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 70A: 191-198.   



  • Dewasmes, G., Y. Le Maho, A. Cornet, and R. Groscolas (1980). Resting metabolic rate and cost of locomotion in long-term fasting emperor penguins. J. Appl. Physiol.: Respirat. Environ. Exercise Physiol. 49: 888-896. 



  • Groscolas, R. (1978). Study of molt fasting followed by an experimental forced fasting in the emperor penguin Aptenodytes forsteri: relationship between feather growth, body weight loss, body temperature and plasma fuel levels. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 61A: 287-295.



  • Groscolas, R., and J. Bezard (1977). Effect of glucagon and insulin on plasma free fatty acids and glucose in the emperor penguin. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 32: 230-235.



  • Groscolas, R., and C. Clement (1976). Utilisation des réserves énergétiques au cours du jeûne de la reproduction chez le Manchot empereur. C. R. Acad. Sc. (Paris) série D 282: 297-300.



  • Groscolas, R., C. Charpentier, and F. Lemonnier (1975). Variation de la concentration des acides aminés libres du plasma au cours du cycle reproducteur chez le Manchot empereur, Aptenodytes forsteri. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 51B: 57-67.


  • Groscolas, R. (1975). Effet d'une exposition à la chaleur sur la température corporelle et quelques paramètres hématologiques du Manchot empereur, Aptenodytes forsteri. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 50A: 533-543.


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