17è Journées Scientifiques du CNFRA. Paris, France
Coping with social stress and adaptive phenotype programming in king penguins (Lemonnier, Schull, Stier, Boonstra, Delahanty, Lefol, Durand, Robin, Criscuolo, Bize & Viblanc)
10th International Penguin Conference. Dunedin, New Zealand
Social signaling of individual quality in wild king penguins: an experimental test of auricular feather patches as "badges of status" (Hammer, Viblanc, Stier, Michaux, Voisin, Robin, Bize, Schull)
A bridge between generations: positive effects of parental telomere length on offspring phenotype and survival in king penguins (Criscuolo, Schull, Stier, Durand, Lefol, Robin, Zahn, Bize, Viblanc)
Linking ornamentation to mitochondrial function in breeding king penfuins (Schull, Stier, Roussel, Romestaing, Robin, Viblanc, Bize)
15è Journées Scientifiques du CNFRA. Strasbourg, France
Métabolisme musculaire et croissance chez le poussin de manchot royal (Robin, Voisin, Leplat, Verdier, Barbe, Boel, Roussel)
4è Colloque d'Ecophysiologie Animale. Rennes, France
Effets génétiques et environnementaux des télomères parentaux sur l'établissement du phénotype juvénile chez le manchot royal (Viblanc, Schull, Stier, Lefol, Durand, Lefol, Robin, Zahn, Bize, Criscuolo)
Naturellement équipés pour faire face au stress ? Modulation de la fonction mitochondriale et du stress oxydant chez le manchot royal en réponse au stress (Stier, Schull, Bize, Lefol, Haussmann, Roussel, Robin, Viblanc)
Energy challenge of growth, fasting and marine life in king penguin (Roussel, Robin)
Métabolisme musculaire des ceintures pelviennes et pectorales chez le jeune poussin de manchot royal (Aptenodytes patagonicus) (Robin, Voisin, Leplat, Verdier, Barbe, Boël, Roussel)
14è Journées Scientifiques du CNFRA. Paris, France
The stress response in king penguin: from humoral to mitochondrial levels (Stier, Schull, Lefol, Cornioley, Ménard, Haussmann, Groscolas, Roussel, Bize, Viblanc, Robin)
Threatened life: stress responses to real-time predator encounters and risk-assessment in king penguin chicks (Viblanc, Marty, Périé, Saraux, Robin, Kauffmann, Célérier, Groscolas)
Measuring mitochondrial function in birds using red blood cells: a case study in the king penguin and perspectives in ecology and evolution (Stier, Romestaing, Schull, Lefol, Robin, Roussel, Bize)
Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Meeting. San Fransisco, USA
Measuring mitochondrial function in birds using red blood cells: a case study in the king penguin and perspectives in ecology and evolution (Stier, Romestaing, Schull, Lefol, Robin, Roussel, Bize)
13è Journées Scientifiques du CNFRA. Paris, France
Sexual selection, social selection and individual quality in the king penguin (Aptenodytes patagonicus) (Schull, Viblanc, Dobson, Stier, Criscuolo, Robin, Bize)
11th European Ornithologists' Union Congress. Turku, Finland.
How to measure mitochondrial function in birds using red blood cells: a case study in the king penguin and perspectives in ecology and evolution. (Stier, Romestaing, Schull, Lefol, Robin, Roussel, Bize)
9th International Penguin Conference. Cape Town, South Africa
Parental ornamental colors predict offspring early life growth and parental care in king penguin (Aptenodytes patagonicus) (Schull, Viblanc, Durand, Lefol, Bize, Robin)
Mutual mate choice for partners with long telomeres and fitness consequences in king penguins (Schull, Bize, Dobson, Robin, Zahn, Criscuolo, Viblanc)
12è Journées Scientifiques du CNFRA, Lyon, France
Telomere length as a proxy of individual quality in the king penguin (Aptenodytes patagonicus) (Schull, Viblanc, Dobson, Zahn, Robin, Bize, Criscuolo)
Colloque interdisciplinaire "Les Frontières", Strasbourg, France
Frontières Métaboliques, Comportementales et Géographiques : Relations avec la Survie et le Succès Reproducteur (Robin)
2nd World Seabird Conference. Cape Town, South Africa
Quantifying seabird disturbance in the wild: physiological and behavioral measures in breeding king penguins (invited) (Viblanc, Saraux, Smith, Gineste, Robin, Groscolas R)
Experimental and correlative evidence for condition-dependent sexual signals in breeding king penguin (Schull, Dobson, Stier, Lefol, Saadaoui, Robin, Bize, Viblanc)
1st Congress of Physiology and Integrative Biology & 84th Congress of the French Physiological Society. Strasbourg, France
How do adults and chicks of king penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus) face nutritional constraints while breeding or growing? (Stier, Viblanc, de Margerie, Zahn, Handrich, de Buffrénil, Erbrech, Guérin, Martrette, Groscolas, Criscuolo, Bize, Robin)
11è Journées Scientifiques du CNFRA, Paris, France
Sexual selection and individual quality in the king penguin (Schull, Viblanc, Dobson, Stier, Criscuolo, Lefol, Saadaoui, Bize, Robin)
2è Colloque d'Ecophysiologie Animale, La Rochelle, France
Prolonged fasting: how king penguins cope with physiological oxidative stress (Schull, Stier, Criscuolo, Viblanc, Bize, Robin)
Influence de l'état nutritionnel au départ de la colonie sur l'efficacité du voyage alimentaire en mer après un jeûne prolongé chez le manchot royal (Gamble, Lefol, Schull, Stier, Grellet, Handrich, Robin)
10th Conference of the European Ornithological Union, Badajoz, Spain
Advertising quality: condition-dependent signals in a monomorphic seabird, the king penguin (invited) (Viblanc, Schull, Dobson, Bize, Robin)
Sexual selection and individual quality: do parental color ornaments predict chick growth in monogamous king penguins, Aptenodytes patagonicus ? (Schull, Viblanc, Stier, Durand, Lefol, Bize, Robin)
9th International Congress of Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry, Krakow, Poland
Thermogenesis, fasting and oxidative stress: new insights from model and non-model animals (Stier, Schull, Viblanc, Roussel, Robin, Bize, Criscuolo)
11th Ecology and Behaviour Meeting, Toulouse, France
A flexible sexual ornament in a monomorphic bird, the king penguin: how to choose someone fit ? (Schull, Dobson, Stier, Criscuolo, Lefol, Saadaoui, Viblanc, Robin, Bize)
Sexual selection and individual quality: condition-dependent signals in a monomorphic seabird, the king penguin (Schull, Dobson, Stier, Criscuolo, Lefol, Saadaoui, Robin, Bize, Viblanc)
11th GERLI Lipidomics Meeting, Bischenberg, France
How refeeding is triggered before lipids are totally depleted in spontaneously fasting animals (Le Maho, Bertile, Robin)
10ème Journées Scientifiques du CNFRA. Rennes, France
Phenotypic plasticity in the king penguin (Aptenodytes patagonicus) chicks and adults: effect of reproductive constraints (Robin, Viblanc, Stier, Gineste, Reichert, Schull, Kauffmann, Pardonnet, Durand, Lefol, Massemin, Criscuolo, Dobson, Handrich, Bize)
26th International Ornithological Congress. Tokyo, Japan
Reproduction in the king penguin: constraints imposed by colonial breeding and a long chick-raising period (Viblanc, Stier, Reichert, Handrich, Massemin, Criscuolo, Bize, Robin)
8th International Penguin Conference. Bristol, UK
Are both sexes sexy? Individual quality in monomorphic king penguins (Viblanc, Stier, Criscuolo, Bovet, Cattin, Pardonnet, Gineste, Handrich, Kauffmann, Massemin, Raclot, Robin, Dobson, Bize)
Effects of tick infestation on the physiology, behaviour and reproduction of king penguins (Bize, Viblanc, Stier, Pardonnet, Gineste, Kauffmann, Massemin, Handrich, Raclot, Criscuolo, Robin)
19th Meeting of PhD students in Evolutionary Biology, European Society of Evolutionary Biology. Falmouth, Cornwall, UK
Telomere length inheritance in the king penguin (Aptenodytes patagonicus) (Reichert, Rojas, Zahn, Robin, Criscuolo, Massemin)
37th Annual Meeting of the Québec Society for the biological study of behavior. Montréal, Québec, Canada
Heart rate and behavioural response of free-living king penguins to acute stressors (Smith, Viblanc, Kauffmann, Gineste, Groscolas)
8th Ecology and Behaviour Meeting. Chizé, France
Testing the "Brood-value Hypothesis" in long-lived seabirds: modulation of the heart rate, hormonal and metabolic response to various stressors (Viblanc, Smith, Gineste, Kauffmann, Zimmer, Robin, Groscolas)
7th Ecology and Behaviour Meeting. Rennes, France
Sociality, colony density and stress: effects of social context and breeding status on the behaviour and physiology of fasting penguins (Viblanc, Smith, Valette, Saraux, Malosse, Kauffmann, Gineste, Groscolas)
Is sex ratio in king penguins biased at hatching or is it a result of postzygotic mechanisms ? (Bordier, Saraux, Le Bohec, Viblanc, Beaugey, Gachot, Le Maho)
Colloque de la SFECA "L'animal dans tous ses sens'. Tours, France
Aggressiveness and social stress in a colonial seabird: is there an energy cost to group-living? (Viblanc, Valette, Saraux, Malosse, Kauffmann, Groscolas)
Heart rate and behavioral responses to human disturbance in breeding king penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus): does reproductive value or nutritional status matter ? (Smith, Viblanc, Kauffmann, Gineste, Groscolas)
8th European Ornithologists' Union Conference. Riga, Latvia
Aggressiveness and social stress in a colonial seabird: is there an energy cost to group-living? (Viblanc, Valette, Saraux, Malosse, Kauffmann, Groscolas)
Effect of the winter fast on the muscular development in the king penguin chick, Aptenodytes patagonicus (Erbrech, Bourgeois, Guérin, Martrette, Groscolas, Robin)
1st World Seabird Conference. Victoria, Canada
Holding the fast: energetic and behavioural adjustments in courting and incubating male king penguins (Viblanc, Saraux, Malosse, Groscolas)
Comfort behaviour in king penguins: what does energy tell us? (Viblanc, Mathien, Viera, Groscolas)
Using penguins as sentinels of climate change: are banding data reliable (Saraux, Le Bohec, Durant, Viblanc, Gauthier-Clerc, Beaune, Park, Yoccoz, Stenseth, Le Maho)
7th International Penguin Conference. Boston, USA
Breeding in a crowded place ! Physiological and behavioural adjustments to fasting in male king penguins (Viblanc, Saraux, Malosse, Groscolas)
Social stress in a colonial seabird: heart rate responses of breeding penguins to their aggressive conspecifics (Viblanc, Valette, Malosse, Groscolas)
Babies come back ! Environmental conditions, individual quality and juvenile survival in king penguins (Saraux, Le Bohec, Viblanc, Hanuise, Le Maho)
Approaching penguins for identification: is a robot less stressing than humans? (Le Maho, Brucker, Groscolas)
25th International Ornithological Congress. Campos do Jordao, Brazil
Heat stress in the cold? Energetics and thermoregulation in moulting king penguin (Aptenodytes patagonicus) (Eichhorn, Handrich, Le Glaunec, Pierre, Parisel, Medina, Groscolas)
Social stress in a colonial seabird: heart rate responses of breeding penguins to their aggressive conspecifics (Viblanc, Valette, Malosse, Groscolas)
Babies come back ! Environmental conditions, individual quality and juvenile survival in king penguins (Saraux, Le Bohec, Viblanc, Hanuise, Le Maho)
7th European Ornithologists' Union Conference. Zurich, Switzerland
Comfort behavior incurs a substantial energy cost in breeding-fasting king penguins, Aptenodytes patagonicus (Viblanc, Mathien, Groscolas)
Myosin heavy chains expression in the pectoral and pelvic muscles during the early phase of growth in the king penguin chick, Aptenodytes patagonicus (Erbrech, Martrette, Guérin, Verrier, Trabalon, Groscolas, Robin)
20th International Congress of Zoology. Paris, France
Muscular developmental asynchrony during the early growth phase in the king penguin chick (Erbrech, Guérin, Verrier, Gaudin, Groscolas, Robin)
Sex-specific flexibility of parental care allows for the sexual conflict to be resolved in king penguins, Aptenodytes patagonicus (Corbel, Geiger, Groscolas)
4th European Conference on Behavioural Ecology. Dijon, France
Ecological correlates of avian corticosterone secretion at fledging (Corbel, Morlong, Groscolas)
4th Ecology and Behavior Meeting. Toulouse, France
State-dependent decision in the fledging process of king penguin chicks (Corbel, Geiger, Groscolas)
3rd Ecology and Behavior Meeting. Montpellier, France
Fledging is preceded by a reduction of the adrenocortical response to stress in a non-precocial bird, the king penguin (Aptenodytes patagonicus) (Corbel, Geiger, Groscolas)
6th International Penguin Conference. Hobart, Australia
Sex-specific desertion and compensation care in breeding king penguins, Aptenodytes patagonicus (Corbel, Gachot-Neveu, Dodelinger, Groscolas)
24th International Ornithological Congress. Hambourg, Germany
Skeleton build up in growing King Penguin chicks (Aptenodytes patagonicus): how to cope with undernutrition and shifting from terrestrial to marine life? (Robin, de Margerie, Verrier, Groscolas, Castanet)
3ème Journées Scientifiques du CNFRA. Rennes, France
The endocrine and energetic correlates of parental care during the late rearing period in king penguins : males vs females. (Corbel, Dondelinger, Gachot, Groscolas)
SEB Annual Meeting. Barcelona, Spain
Histological attributes of rapid bone growth in king penguin chicks (Aptenodytes patagonicus). (Castanet, de Margerie, Robin, Verrier, Cubo, Groscolas )
7th International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology. Bocaraton, Florida, USA
Early bone growth in king penguin chicks (Aptenodytes patagonicus) (Castanet, de Margerie, Robin, Verrier, Cubo, Groscolas)
Colloque conjoint de la société d'Ecophysiologie et de la société Française pour l'étude du comportement animale. Strasbourg, France
Réserves énergétiques et comportement chez le manchot royal en jeûne prolongé: mécanisme du signal de ré-alimentation (Bernard, Fayolle, Robin, Mioskowski, Groscolas)
4th International Penguin Conference. La Serena, Chili
Triggering of egg abandon below a body mass threshold in fasting-incubating king penguins (Groscolas, Thil, Fayolle, Decrock, Côté, Lacroix, Robin)
The annual meeting of the Society of Experimental Biology. Exeter, UK
Long term fasting and re-feeding in penguins (Groscolas, Robin)
3rd Meeting of the EAZWV. Paris, France
The use of Zoletil to immobilize king penguins in the field (Thil, Groscolas)
3rd International Congress of World Federation of Sleep Research Societies. Dresden, Germany
Effects of air temperature on behavioral sleep of rearing king penguins (Dewasmes, Côté, Robin, Groscolas, Vardon, Le Maho, Libert)
22nd International Ornithological Congress. Durban, South Africa
Metabolic and hormonal response to stress in king penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus (Ménard, Fayolle, Mioskowski, Groscolas, Robin)
5th European Conference on Wildlife Telemetry. Strasbourg, France
Spontaneous egg desertion at a critical body mass in fasting incubating birds: a biotelemetrical study in blue petrel (Ancel, Petter, Groscolas)
Nutrition en conditions Extrêmes workshop. AgroParisTech, France
Gestion les réserves énergétiques chez les espèces sauvages en conditions extrêmes (Robin)
Mélanger pour mieux innover: rencontre des UMR IPHC et Marbec workshop. Strasbourg, France
Social density, social aggression and stress: linking the social environment to physiological systems (Viblanc)
Nutrition en conditions Extrêmes workshop. AgroParisTech, France
Gestion les réserves énergétiques chez les espèces sauvages en conditions extrêmes (Robin)
Ethologie et Ecologie Comportementale, réseau INRA workshop. St Pé sur Nivelle, France
Statut énergétique et comportement (Robin)
Diversity in Telomere Dynamics workshop. Drymen, Scotland (UK)
What can telomeres tell us about life-history trade-offs in king penguins? (Schull, Reichert, Stier, Zahn, Bize, Robin, Massemin, Criscuolo, Viblanc)
International workshop: Energetics of reproduction in birds, mammals and reptiles: exploring new technologies. Chizé, France
The safety margin in the body fuel reserves of incubating king penguins: a study of breeding failure based on automatic identification and weighing (Le Maho, Gauthier-Clerc, Robin, Gendner, Dahier, Handrich)
Fat metabolism and survival during starvation / parental neglect (Groscolas)
Comportement et Ecologie de la Faune Sauvage, INRA UR0035, Auzeville, France
Viblanc V.A. (2019). Social effects on individual phenotypes: insights from colonial mammals and birds
Wihelminenberg Seminars, Vetmeduni Vienna, University Wien, Austria
Viblanc V.A. (2018). Social effects on individual phenotypes: insights from colonial mammals and birds
Behavior, Ecology, Evolution and Physiology Seminars, IPHC UMR 7178, University of Strasbourg, France
Viblanc V.A. (2017). Social energetics and social stress: on the costs and benefits of group-living
Laboratoire Evolution et Diversité Biologique, UMR 5174, Toulouse, France
Viblanc V.A. (2017). Social energetics and social stress: on the costs and benefits of group-living
Laboratoire Stress Environnementaux et Biosurveillance des Milieux Aquatiques. UMR-I 02, Reims, France
Robin J.P. (2014). Compromis énergétiques, gestion des réserves corporelles et régulations physiologiques: une approche intégrée de l’animal dans son environnement.
University of Toronto Scarborough, Center for the Neurobiology of Stress. Toronto, ON, Canada
Viblanc V.A. (2013). Freaked out penguins: is there a cost to breeding in a crowd ?
Centre d'Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive, UMR 5175. Montpellier, France
Viblanc V.A. (2012). The physiological costs of group living: insights from a colonial breeder
Phillip Island Nature Parks, Research Department. Phillip Island, Victoria, Australia
Viblanc V.A. (2009). On the energetics of specific behaviours: insights from heart rate and the example of comfort behaviour in breeding king penguins
Résumés/Articles de conférences
Stier A, Schull Q, Viblanc VA, De Margerie E, Zahn S, Handrich Y, De Buffrenil V, Erbrech A, Guerin N, Martrette J-M, Groscolas R, Criscuolo F, Bize P, Robin JP (2015) How do adults and chicks of king penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus) face nutritional constraints while breeding or growing? Acta physiologica 214: 87.
Viblanc VA, Stier A, Reichert SE, Handrich Y, Massemin S, Criscuolo F, Bize P, Robin JP (2014) Reproduction in the king penguin: constraints imposed by colonial breeding and a long chick-raising period. Ornithological Science 13 (Supplement): 447.
Ménard, JJ., Fayolle, C., Mioskowski, E., Groscolas, R. and Robin, J.-P. Metabolic and Hormonal response to stress in king penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus. Ostrich 69 (N° 3&4): 230-231 (1998)
Vivien-Roels B., Miché F., Pevet P., Spehner C., Robin J. P. et Y. Le Maho (1991). Daily pattern of melatonin secretion in an antarctic bird, the emperor penguin, Aptenodytes forsteri: seasonal variations, effect of constant illumination and of administration of isoproterenol and propanolol. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 82: 227.
Le Maho Y. et J. P. Robin (1990). Avian physiology - How biochemistry influences behavior in emperor penguins. Physiologist. 33: A18.
Cherel Y., Robin J. P., Groscolas R. et Y. Le Maho (1984). Concentration plasmatique de β-hydroxybutyrate et vitesse d'amaigrissement au cours du jeûne prolongé chez le Manchot empereur et le poussin de Manchot royal. Diabete Métab. 10: 151. 8
Robin J. P., Cherel Y., Groscolas R. et Y. Le Maho (1983). Metabolic adaptation to long-term fasting in male emperor penguins and in king penguin chicks. Physiologist 26: A-30.
Cherel Y., Frain M., Girard H., Lacombe A., Le Maho Y., Nehlig A. et J. P. Robin (1983). Ambient temperature and plasma β-hydroxybutyrate concentration during long-term fasting in geese and in antarctic penguins. J. Physiol. (London) 345: 137P.