The 119 Crozet Family Who's in it?
The 119 is a Polar research program ( ECONERGIE 119 ) supported by the French Polar Institute Paul Emile Victor (IPEV). It brings together different researchers, students and contract workers from the Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien Institute (UMR 7178 CNRS-UdS, Strasbourg), the University of Aberdeen (Scotland, UK), and the University of Turku (Finland).
This research program is devoted to understanding the physiological and behavioral adaptations used by a colonial seabird, the king penguin (Aptenodytes patagonicus ) to cope with the various constraints of its environment, in a context of global change.
Initiated in the 1970s by René Groscolas, the program originally focused on understanding the physiological adaptations of penguins to long-term fasting and has allowed many advances in our comprehension of the mechanisms underlying the management of energy stores in wild animals, including in humans. The program has since progressed to consider many aspects of animal physiology (including the stress axis, cell metabolism and its mitochondrial functioning, individual immunity, as well as the management of oxidative stress) in relation to the ecological pressures to which these birds are subjected in their daily lives (parasitism, predation, climatic variability, thermal stress, colonial aggression, sexual competition).
One of the recent axes of the program is to understand the physiological responses of individuals to climate change on land, by building a long-term physiological observatory for the species.
The program is coordinated at the Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien, and the various members and speakers work collaboratively with a large number of French and international scientists. The core members of the program include:
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Ainsi le programme comprend:
Antoine's research is at the crossroads between physiology, ecology and the biology of aging. He is particularly interested in the physiological mechanisms involved in the aging process, and their role in the adaptation of individuals to their environment. His research is particularly focused on the study of the role of mitochondrial function, oxidative stress and the dynamics of telomeres as proximal mechanisms shaping life history traits in birds.
Vincent's work is focused on understanding the interaction of environmental (including social, predation, parasitism, climate) and genetic factors influencing individual phenotype. His studies lie at the crossroads between behavioral ecology and ecophysiology. He uses both correlative and experimental studies in the wild as complementary approaches to assess the effects of the environment on the individual phenotype and their ultimate consequences on fitness (including transgenerational consequences).
Agnès est écophysiologiste spécialiste de l’énergétique des oiseaux particulièrement en lien avec les processus de thermorégulation. Elle a notamment réalisé une thèse sur les capacités de thermorégulation des manchots royaux (Prog. IPEV 394) et a travaillé sur l’énergétique du vol en laboratoire. Ses projets de recherche actuels étudient les échanges de chaleur entre l’organisme et son environnement en utilisant des méthodes de mesure non-invasives telles que l’imagerie thermique.
Specialist in evolutionary biology, Pierre has a particular interest in physiology, life history traits and behavioral ecology. He uses rigorous and thoughtful experimental protocols in order to identify the proximal and ultimate sources of performance variations measured at the level of the cell up to the individual and the populations.
PhD students
Camille s'intéresse au lien entre la qualité des individus à terre et leur performance de plongé et de recherche alimentaire en mer, le tout en lien avec leur succès reproducteur. Pour ces travaux, Camille s'intéresse à différents traits physiologiques (stress, métabolisme, immunité) et comportementaux (soin parentaux, stratégie en mer). Elle cherche à définir des traits qui pourraient définir la qualité individuelle. Elle travaille en collaboration avec les programmes 119 (manchot royal) et 394 (gorfou macaroni).
Mon projet de doctorat explore les réponses des manchots royaux au stress chroniques et aux niveaux élevés de glucocorticoïdes (hormone du stress). Même si ces oiseaux font preuve de résilience face à des stress aigus, il n’est pas certain que cette résilience s’étende aux facteurs de stress chroniques. Dans ce projet, j’examinerai les réponses physiologiques, comportementales et reproductives des manchots dans deux conditions : (1) une élévation expérimentale du niveau de glucocorticoïdes (grâce à des implants) et (2) des conditions naturelles d’exposition à des facteurs de stress affectant des reproducteurs précoces et tardifs. Des indicateurs tels que les niveaux de corticostérone, les métabolites plasmatiques, les dommages oxydatifs, la longueur des télomères et l'investissement dans la reproduction seront évalués afin de comprendre les mécanismes potentiels de résistance au stress et les coûts associés. Mon objectif est de découvrir comment les manchots royaux font face à un stress prolongé dans des environnements subantarctiques.
Field workers and overwintering staff
Marine Montblanc
Hivernante 2022-23
Elsa Marçon
Biologiste (Master)
Hivernante 2023-24
Bastien Bauger
Biologiste (Master)
Hivernante 2024-25
Céline Bocquet
Biologist (Master)
Overwintering Field Assistant
Marine Hoareau
Biologiste (Master)
1/2 Hivernante 2022-23
Mathilde Lejeune
Biologist (Master)
Overwintering Field assistant
Maelle Fusillier
Summer field assistant
Anne Cillard
Biologist (Master)
Overwintering Field assistant
Tatiana Fuentes-Rodriguez
Summer field assistant
Sandra Avril
Overwintering field assistant
Lucie Abolivier
Biologist (Master)
Summer field assistant
Caroline Gérard
Overwintering field assistant
Douglas Couet
Biologist (Master)
1/2 Wintering 2017-18
Denis Michaux
Overwintering field assistant
Tanguy deville
2017-18 summer campaign
Emanuelle Voisin
Biologist (Master)
Overwintering field assistant
Emilie Lefol
Biologist (Master)
Overwintering field assistant
Heidi Saadaoui
Biologist (Master)
Overwintering field assistant
Laureline Durand
Biologist (Master)
Overwintering field assistant
Sylvia Pardonnet
Biologist (Master)
Overwintering field assistant
Benoit Gineste
Biologist (Master)
Overwintering field assistant
Marion kauffmann
Biologist (PhD)
Overwintering field assistant
Nelly Malosse
Overwintering field assistant
a large number of collaborators
IPHC, Strasbourg:
Yves Handrich (IPEV 394 polar program)
Marbec, Sète:
LEHNA (Lyon 1 University), Lyon:
CEFE, Montpellier:
Thierry Boulinier (IPEV 1151 polar program)
CEBC, Chizé:
Charles-André Bost (IPEV 394 polar program)
Yan Ropert-Coudert (IPEV 1091 polar program)
Frédéric Angelier (IPEV 1091 polar program )