Dr. René Groscolas
Former Director of Research at IPHC
CNRS, UNISTRA, Strasbourg France
René is the founder and spiritual father of the 119 program. Originally initiated on the study of the Emperor penguin ( Aptenodytes fosterii ) in Antarctica, then continued on the king penguin ( A patagonicus ) in the Crozet Islands, René's research program was interested in understanding the physiology of fasting, and in particular the biochemical and behavioral adaptations allowing penguins to withstand long periods of fasting on the ground without metabolic sequelae, and while maintaining reproductive activity. The ECONERGY (119) program that he initiated has flourished and has been reinforced over the years, addressing behavioral, physiological and ecological themes, concerning king penguins, all considered in an evolutionary framework. Today the program has the specificity to address the adaptations of these fantastic animals to their environment - going from cellular scales, through the scale of the organism and its interactions with the environment, to that of the social group
JP a initié les études sur la physiologie des manchots face à des conditions environnementales et sociales difficiles. En 25 ans, il a apporté de larges connaissances sur les adaptations physiologiques de ces espèces à leur cycle de vie particulier, en se penchant notamment sur le jeûne prolongé. Entre 2011 et 2022, il est le responsable du programme polaire 119 (IPEV) et mène une approche pluri-disciplinaire dans le but de démêler les sources proximale et ultimes de la variation individuelle dans la reproduction et les stratégies alimentaires chez les manchots.
Since its creation, the 119 program has participated annually in training through the research of young professionals becoming experts in ecology, ecophysiology and evolutionary biology.
2013-2015: Antoine Stier
2011-2014: Vincent A Viblanc
2008-2011: Götz Eichhorn
2022-2025: Camille Lemonnier
2018-2021: Tracey Hammer
2013-2016: Quentin Schull
2010-2013: Antoine Stier
2010-2013: Sophie Reichert
2008-2011: Vincent A Viblanc
2007-2010: Aude Erbrecht
2007-2010: Sylvie Geiger
2005-2008: Vanessa Viera
2005-2008: Hélène Corbel
2004-2007: Delphine Verrier
2001-2004: Emmanuel de Margerie
1999-2002: Servane Bernard
1980-1983: In Rodriguez
veterinary Theses
2016: Amandine Gamble
2004: Caroline Dondelinger
2003: Delphine Verrier
2001: P Guichard
1998: Jean-Jérôme Ménard
2021: Camille Lemonnier
2020: Natacha Garcin
2020: J Razzolini
2020: Caroline Kaeffer
2019: In Huet
2019: V Ropital
2018: Thibaut Barra
2017: Thibaut Barra
2017: Nina Cossin-Severin
2017: PA Duchêne
2015: Amandine Gamble
2015: C Grellet
2015: In Cillard
2014: In Cavard
2013: Claire Périé
2013: At Le Pogam
2012: Laure Cattin
2012: Lucile Bovet
2011: Yohann Bourgeois
2010: Alvaro Calderon Martinez
2010: Andrew Smith
2009: Victorien Valette
2007: Aude Erbrecht
2007: C Gaudin
2003: Hélène Corbel
1999: Ondine Filippi-Codaccioni
1995: F Fréchard
University diploma
2012: Marion Kauffmann
2020: C Ward
2013: Maud Marty